Personally, I often struggle reading Grand Tableaus, because there are simply too many cards and it's hard to decide which ones are important, and which cards you can leave out. I don't look at everything while I read. Also, I'm a picky Lenormand deck collector. I love collecting these decks, even though unlike Tarot, if the symbology deviates, the cards become basically unreadable, which means every Lenormand deck SHOULD read the same.
Fairy Tale Lenormand by Lisa Hunt. Comes in a tin box with a LWB and additional Man/Woman cards
I have a love/hate relationship with Lisa Hunt's decks. On the one hand, I love fairy tales and I love her art. On the other hand, I do own her Fairy Tale Tarot deck and never use it, because it's just too detailed and there is no focus on the symbolism, making it a chore to read.
When I ordered the Lenormand deck, it didn't even occur to me that this might be the same with this type of deck. Unfortunately, I was right. The images in the pictures are clogged and detailed. A few are easy to get on the first glance - The Tree, Tower, Whip and Stork. However, others are just confusing to look at. The Bear features two girls that are more prominent than the image of the bear. The Sun is outshone by the kissy-faced people in front of it. The Scythe has little contrast and you can't recognize it from far away.
My Grand Tableau of the week using the Fairy Tale Lenormand
As you can see, these cards don't lend themselves too well to the Lenormand structure and demands. The images are just too busy to draw conclusions at a glance.
The female significator, preceeded by the Sun, followed by the Cross. Topped by the Mice, the Lilies (not the Frog in spite of the prominent Frog on it!) and the Birds.
Because the deck is so hard to take in at a glance, I struggled even more to read this usually simple "One Week Forecast" Grand Tableau which I did as an excercise. I identified the Woman card (Cinderella) in the lower left of the Grand Tableau. Because she sits in the lowest row, little can be done by me to influence the situation, a lot is weighing down on me. The Woman is preceeded by the Sun, but as you will see below, the Sun is weighed down by the Mice and preceeded by the Fox. Whatever success I achieved in the last week, I couldn't really enjoy it because of petty stresses and work.
The present row: Tower, Garden and Lilies topping the woman.
Then, I took a closer look at the present situation: The Woman card is below the Tower, the Garden and the Lilies. I take the Tower and Garden to mean rigid society and the Lilies a mature view and action toward that society. A real adulting situation.
All the bad cards: Clouds, Whip, Snake and Mice around the Tree
I don't look at everything, but I do look for the Clouds. The clouds aren't anywhere near my significator, but together with the Whip, The Snake and the Mice they are surrounding my pretty health tree. So bad health awaits, mostly because of stresses.
The Man: Surrounded by the Rider, Stork, Dog (not Ring, in spite of the Ring!), Letter and Crossroads
I have a more positive outlook for the Man (my boyfriend. Next to him is the Stork. combined with the Rider that precedes him and the Child that comes after the Stork he will have a pretty decent week, maybe he'll even find a new passion or rekindle his connection to some friends far away (Dog+Letter+Crossroads).
Path to the future week: Cross, Anchor, Heart, Clover, Bear, Scythe
Looking at the week ahead, I have here exactly 7 cards. One for each of the day (Yey!). The Cross comes first with theAanchor, so troubles and heavy burdens will remain throughout the week (I do have some important stuff to do). However, I will be happy with my boyfriend (we are visiting the cricus!) but I might get into a fight with my mother (Bear+Scythe).
Between Womand and Man: Direct diagonal with Birds and Dog
Finally, the Womand and Man are connected by the Dog and the Birds, so socializing will bring a deeper connection between us. Maybe there is a party we could go to!
Final thoughts: It is possible to read with the Fairy Tale Lenormand, but honestly, it's twice as exhausting as a simple deck would have been. The stress of relooking at the cards to make sure you have the Dog instead of the Fox and the Ring instead of the Dog (the dog looks like a Fox and features a big ring that looks the same as the ring in the Ring card -.-) isn't really worth it. Maybe for 2 or 3-card readings, this deck is suitable. Right now, I only do Grand Tableaus and it's pretty annoying. I suppose that like the Fairy Tale Tarot from the same artist, I won't be using this deck much.
Blessings and balance ~
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